My name is Lauren Doss. I’m a licensed and registered Occupational Therapist practicing in Virginia in the United States. I am a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Certified Stroke Rehab Therapist, and have 2 years experience as a team lead working with burn patients. My current setting is Outpatient, where I provide services to patients who experience deficits resulting from CVAs, lymphedema, and burn injuries. I have a background in the following settings: acute care (level I trauma center), skilled nursing facility (SNF), inpatient rehab, and outpatient pediatrics. I received my Master’s in Occupational Therapy from James Madison University in 2012. This blog is intended to provide tips and resources for new graduates and OTs new to various settings. I hope that this blog can be a starter for further growth and research if you are new to OT or any of the areas in which I have practiced. I welcome discussions and corrections to any of the information you see on this blog. I hope you find this helpful! If you’re new to OT, you’ve chosen an inspiring profession and I hope you find it to be as fulfilling as I have. Feel free to email me at with further topics you with to see or additional information on any of the topics already posted.
This is a great site for any practicing or future OT! Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing further development.